TISC 2023 - (Level 7b) DevSecMeow
Description Palindrome has accidentally exposed one of their onboarding guide! Sneak in as a new developer and exfiltrate any meaningful intelligence on their production system. https://d3mg...
Description Palindrome has accidentally exposed one of their onboarding guide! Sneak in as a new developer and exfiltrate any meaningful intelligence on their production system. https://d3mg...
Description We have discovered PALINDROME’s recruitment site. Infiltrate it and see what you can find! http://chals.tisc23.ctf.sg:51943 Solution The website is shown as below: After a ...
Description Valuable intel suggests that PALINDROME has established a secret online chat room for their members to discuss on plans to invade Singapore’s cyber space. One of their junior develo...
Description After last year’s hit online RPG game “Slay The Dragon”, the cybercriminal organization PALINDROME has once again released another seemingly impossible game called “Really Unfair Ba...
Description We’ve managed to grab an app from a suspicious device just before it got reset! The copying couldn’t finish so some of the last few bytes got corrupted… But not all is lost! We hear...
Description Our sources told us that one of PALINDROME’s lieutenants, XIPHEREHPIX, wrote a special computer program for certain members of PALINDROME. We have somehow managed to get a copy of t...
Description Unknown to the world, the sinister organization PALINDROME has been crafting a catastrophic malware that threatens to plunge civilization into chaos. Your mission, if you choose to ...
With the school semester just ended and the holiday break starting, I finally had the time to do something hacking-related. HackTheBox was publicising this CTF as “beginner-friendly” and I felt tha...
Description Ha, that was sneaky! But I’ve patched the login so that people like you can’t gain access anymore. Stop hacking us! The flag is in the flag format:...
Description Have you heard of Star Cereal? It’s a new brand of cereal that’s been rapidly gaining popularity amongst astronauts - so much so that their devs had to scramble to piece together a ...